Lynden Lou

My Photo
Location: Lynden, Washington, United States

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Julia looks at a book. Julia claps her hands.
Julia smiles.
Pushing the stroller.
I'll just pick up and carry the baby and stroller.
Hope your Christmas was merry.
Happy New Year!

Kendell Joy. Tyrel.
Still helping with Mousetrap.
What a nice dad.

Heather Marie. Grandma Fran.

Oops. Accidentally took a picture of Dad's foot.

Grandma Kathy watching Julia. Grandpa Lou watching Julia.
Block box also makes a great chair.

Things are settling down. How does this work?
Dad helps build the mousetrap.

Kyle told them, "Rule number one: What Dad says goes. Rule number two: Dad gets all your candy." "No! No!"

Helping Grandma Fran and Uncle "J" open presents. Starting to play.
Continuing to play.
Learning how to play "Mousetrap."

Presents! Presents!
And more presents!

Heather photographs the events. Kendell gets a coloring book.
Mom/Grandma Fran and James.

Kyle. James.

Tear the paper. What did they get?
Watching the action.
Ty got a tyger.
Opening a box.

Baby Julia with a baby carriage. Unwrapping.
Notice baby's posture in the stroller.

Grandpa Lou reads a book to Baby Julia.
Smiling Ty. Waiting to open presents.
Still waiting. . .

Friday, December 29, 2006