Lynden Lou

My Photo
Location: Lynden, Washington, United States

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Good-bye, Kathy, Kendell, Ty, and James. Kendell's arm is waving out the window.
Good-bye, Kyle, Heather, and Julia.
See you at the next family get-together!

James is worn out by an afternoon with the family. Kyle checks the interior of Grandpa's truck.
Kyle explains how he would throw his guns in this rig.

Jesse sticks his nose in the way. Kendell trains Jesse.
Kendell took this picture.
Kendell and Julia play the organ. Try to imagine how it sounds.

Lou, Kathy, and James Julia in Grandpa Lou's big chair.
Kendell shows her picture.
Julia is busy, busy, busy.

Kendell works on a drawing.Heather is stenciling while Ty watches.
The sliding door into Grandpa's sunroom is fun!
Julia closed the door. How about that!

Julia is stealing pens and pencils from a cubbyhole in Grandpa Lou's computer desk. Kendell aids and abets. Oh, ha, ha! It is so funny to take Grandpa's pencils and pens!
Kathy and Kendell look at Grandpa's computer. They're looking up an organic dairy on the Jackman Road.
Julia looks at the screen too. She likes to take part in the discussion.

Julia is interested in Grandpa Lou's computer. Now Kendell is interested too.
Heather Marie, sweetheart.

Kendell, looking serious, Julia, and Heather James, smiling, and Kendell, serious
Kendell won't smile. Julia.

Grandma Fran's birthday cake. Kendell and Tyrel decorated it.Another view of the cake. The big horse is knee deep in snow.
The birthday girl. On March 15, she turned 75!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Lou and his wheels. Whoo hoo!

1973 Chevy Cheyenne.