Lynden Lou

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Location: Lynden, Washington, United States

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Kathy's Watercolors, post 2
Kathy's fourth one (I think): a flower Kathy's fifth one: a glass jar
Kathy's sixth one: a magnolia blossom

Kathy's Watercolors, post 1
Kathy's first one: flowers on a stemKathy's second one: first the sky and shore;
later she added the lighthouse
Kathy's third one: a shell

Jan's watercolors
Week 2: A paper bag and apple Week 3: Bowl with shell
Week 4: Magnolia bloom (not done yet)

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Ty's card to Auntie: the envelope.The card.

Kendell's card to Auntie: the envelope. The front of the card.
The inside of the card.

Dad/Lou, Julia in background. Kathy and Dad.
Now who's behind the Foster Grants?
Glamour girl and Grandma.

Kendell took this picture of Julia. And Kendell took this one of Grandma Fran.
Grandpa Lou took this one of Kendell.
The happy couple.

Heather and James, happy siblings. Heather.
This guy Heather married. ;-)
Smiley Kyle.

Who's behind those Foster Grants? It's Kendell!
It's James!
It's Kendell!